Younguns: Cardiff

Although the competition wasn't kicking off until around 5pm, we headed down early for brunch and a trip to the beach with my sister who is at University. When we arrived at the course, we were able to get on and paddle on the 8 cumecs.

And it was carnage.

River runners, rafts and plenty on playboaters! It was great to see everyone on the water, but it was quite unnerving to catch a glimpse of another kayaker dropping through as you set up for a move and even more worrying to see the rafts hovering above the feature, about to have a surf. Soon we turned our attention to tipping each other in and soon we had all taken a swim! We then decided to take a break and went for a swim and skateboarding.

Then it was time for the course to be turned up to 10!

Now we could practice for real before our 2 rides (best one counting). I decided that after having been working on some harder moves recently I would try them in my rides. In my first ride I tried a Phonics Monkey which actually worked and retained! So for my second ride I decided to try a woo tricky, however this was much less successful.

CIWW then ran a mini BoaterX for us all which was actually lots of fun - I finished 3rd.
In the end I finished 2nd and although I was a little disappointed, it didn't matter as I was so pleased that I was able to start to include higher scoring and more difficult moves into my rides!

Awards were then given for participation over the series before we headed home after the finale of another year of Younguns.
