Stroud Valley CC Pool Session

With freestyle in its current stage of development as a sport, I feel it is even more important than ever to focus on increasing participation and driving performance, right from the grass roots. Therefore, when Jake invited me to a local canoe club to run an introductory freestyle night, I was keen to help out. 

When we arrived at the outdoor pool, there was already a wide array of playboats basking in the evening sunlight. It was great to see the variety of boats, old and new, as resources is always highlighted as a barrier for freestyle participation. However, I believe that the only limiting resource is the availability of knowledge of what to do and how to do it. 

To start the session, Jake and I did a short freestyle demo of moves that are possible on the flat water; including, loops, cartwheels, lunars and Phonics Monkeys. We then broke it right down to the fundamentals and demonstrated the principles of a double pump - possibly the most important move on flat water. We then offered coaching in small groups and to individuals. Following this, we regrouped and demonstrated the tail squirt and ploughing into a bow stall.

Once on the bank after the session, we offered advice on boats and how to get involved with upcoming events. I also did my first autographs!! 

Overall it was incredible to be welcomed into such a friendly and enthusiastic club, and hope that work with Stroud Valley CC can continue as freestyle develops. 
