GB Selections for Europeans

Back in November, I attended GB Selections in Hurley, Maidenhead, which coincided with the SAS Hurley Classic - organised by Jacko Jackson. The weekend was incredible, with over 160 paddlers from 16 different nations all descending on the sleepy village. Knowing Hurley is my strongest feature, I had been down the previous weekend training with some of the Europeans on the epic 3 gates. 

The SAS bank of the Classic

Max Karlsson looping in Hurley eddy
However, on the morning of the competition, the levels had dropped and a gate had to be closed. This delayed the competition as we waited in the eddy. With only 5 minutes of practise, we were straight into the competition. Three 45 seconds runs later, and it was all over. I had struggled to refocus and my performance was affected, scoring very low and finishing 4th in the first Selection event. There is no other way to put it, than I was gutted. 

Myself paddling in Saturday's Selection event

Despite this disappointment, I knew I still had a chance if I performed well at Nottingham as this counted as two events: the first on inlet, and second on twin. As usual the junior women were on first, but this time I felt prepared, as I snuck in a late practise on the Friday night. 

It felt amazing to be on inlet! Little tips and encouragement after each ride helped with to score a personal best of 280 on a single ride! I was thrilled! But knew it all came down to the last event on twin. Late morning and early afternoon consisted of us cheering everyone else on, and competing in the Squirt event, where I finished 4th (resulting in a place on Team GB). 

Reaching for a loop in inlet

The clouds were closing in and temperature dropping; but then you can never expect a warm November day in Nottingham. It was a fairly new feature and although boily and hard to get out of - I performed well. Tired, and watching with anticipation, I cheered on all the other girls, before heading for a nice, warm shower. 

Unfortunately, due to technical issues, results couldn't be announced that night, although predictions from other paddlers made me very anxious to say the least. 

Whoever performed better on twin, would be going to Europeans!

It felt like an eternity before results were published on the Sunday, but I had done it! Finishing 2nd in both events at Nottingham, meant I had placed 2nd out of 3 events - and was going to Europeans!

Inlet Results - finished 2nd

Twin Results - finished 2nd again

I just couldn't stop smiling, not that I wanted to! 

Peter Csonka at feature for Europeans

I knew it was to going to be hard work, but I was more determined than ever, as I knew hard work always pays off. This is my 2nd year on the team, and first as a full team member!!
