Younguns Nene

In some kind of parallel turn of events, the typically sunny weather which the Nene event is renowned for was replaced by rain and grey clouds. However, this didn't dampen the spirits.

After a short briefing, everyone launched on to the course to practice and receive coaching off older paddlers and even James “Pringle” Bebbington, former World Champion and Rob Crowe, current British Champion. I spent some time practicing in the top feature where the pumps release the water for the course. Although this feature is shallow, it’s great to practice cartwheels and split wheels, and even the pirouette section of a phonics monkey. 

Soon we headed down to the pour over, the main feature on the course. A little like a mini waterfall, the feature is unique and proved to be a little sticky. However, the surfer’s right shoulder allowed for some nice cartwheeling and even the occasional McNasty. As the rain eased, we jumped off for some lunch - but not before a quick flat water session in the new 2014 Jackson Rockstar. 

Now it was time for the main event: the competition! To maximize all aspects of the course, each paddler had two 45 second rides in the pump feature, and another two in the pour over. Before my rides, I went to watch the novice event which for the first time ever had been split into girls and boys. It’s great to see the younger competitors try and impress the judges with paddle guitars, front surfing and roll in the holes. After the novices’ bonus rides in the pump feature, it was time for my rides. 

My two rides in the pump feature went well, scoring cartwheel, helix and split wheel. I then went on to my rides in the pour over, where each moves success varied drastically. I managed some cartwheels and a loop, but found a sticky spot in the feature for a few power flips before the final whistle.

All in all, it was great day despite the weather and I finished 2nd. I believe it is really important to practice moves in lots of different features so you are able to adapt to varying features when in competition. 

To finish the day, it was time for the famous ball collection game the Nene is known for. Each team is timed for how long it takes them to collect all the balls from Pool A, and put them in a boat. This year, we had the addition of finals where each member had to collect 2 balls each. Unfortuantely, our team, Team Team, were disqualified due to a deemed lack of effort, and after being recruited to Team Pink for the final, was disqualifed due to rumors of cheating.

However, this is a great way to build confidence in the water and is always super fun, despite the rain and cloud.
