European Championships - part 1

After arriving late Thursday afternoon, I had a quick session in the evening aiming to just figure the feature out a bit. Prior to arriving, I had heard lots if rumors about it being shallow and only having a very little drop. Despite this, it was better than expected. As the session continued, moves were very hit and miss and I only got a few rides before the water turned off. Hits on the bottom are regular and almost expected now, but we are slowly figuring out where is the optimum place to plug. The feature is also quite retentive but still allows you to set up for moves nicely.

The feature at Divoka Voda is still tricky and I spent both sessions on Friday still trying to work out the best places. However, on some rides I felt like I was beginning to get the feature and although not going huge have managed loops and space Godzilla right along with a few cartwheels. In total, I did four sessions on Friday, including two in my squirt boat. The feature for squirt is still unconfirmed but we believe it will be an outflow of the slalom course, and I have been working on mystery moves in this flow.

As more people arrived, the main feature has got busier so many of us are opting for early sessions to beat long queues in the eddy. Sessions are now more focused on working specific moves, and as the feature is difficult to get pop, I am working to ensure my space Godzillas are aerial.

Saturday I did two sessions but still feel exhausted and my muscles are aching. As soon as you think you have worked out the feature, it seems to change either due to water levels or just doesn't work anymore - but everyone's in the same boat (not literally). 

Today was now final day of open training but suprisingly the water was very quiet this morning. As I got on this morning at 8am, there were onky four other paddlers which soon reduced to just myself and Jake, resulting in a long two hour but useful session.

Later on I also did a squirt session with Sam helping and also a quick session in the evening in my float (but it was so busy I just did one ride).

Team training now starts tomorrow which will make a change from the open sessions that seem to be pot luck whether it is busy ir not. I am excited for official training to begin but still remain unsure about a ride plan as moves are typically inconsistent. 

During the open training days, there is not a lot to do other than paddle, so many of the GB supporters have visited Bratislava, and also went white water rafting down the course.

Thanks to Diana McGaley for the photos:)
