Cancelled Season - What am I training for?

As another competition is announced to be delayed, it may seem crazy to some that we continue to train, both on and off the water. This year's European Championships in Paris were planned for October, but it has since been announced that they will be delayed and instead be the next European Championships (which will be in 2022). 

After the success at last year's World Championships in Spain, I was excited to be heading into another season and had big goals for competing. However, with less and less competitions being able to go ahead, the season objectives have had to shift and with it, my focus. 

Sometimes, athletes may be perceived to only ever be training for the next competition, and while this can be largely true (whenever that next competition may be), training is more than that. Lockdown has given me the opportunity to build up areas of weakness in a make-shift gym and work on general physical training. Training has also given structure and focus when all other daily routines have become largely obsolete - it breaks the day up and gives a reason to get outside. 

So, what am I still training for? 

For me, I am training because I can, and because I enjoy it. Training gives me structure and focus, allows me to achieve something (regardless of how big or small) everyday, and competitions will return, and when they do, I can be stronger and better prepared. 
